Monday, 3 October 2016

Todorov's Equilibrium Theory

Todorov's theory of equilibrium suggests that narratives consist of five stages which are...

1) A state of equilibrium: Where everything is as it should be and there is a sense of stability in the beginning.
2) Disequilibrium: A disruption of that order by an event.
3) Recognition: A realisation that a problem has occurred.
4) Attempt: An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption.
5) New equilibrium: A return or restoration of a new equilibrium at the end of the narrative.
Image result for todorov s narrative theory

In these five stages the narrative is not seen as a linear structure, but a circular one. The narrative is driven by many attempts to restore the original equilibrium. However, the new equilibrium achieved towards the end of the narrative is not the same as the equilibrium that it started with. The disruption within the narrative itself usually takes place outside the 'normal' and the characters have to solve the problem. This type of narrative structure is very common in films, especially the horror genre. We have chosen not use Todorov's narrative within our own short film as it follows a  non-linear structure throughout. We do include an equilibrium in  our film, however the narrative does not restore to normal in the end of our film so the narrative is not restored.

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